Letter to Peace Thoughts

Example of a letters to peace:


Dear Peace,

You are an inspiration to the world. You inspire us to be better and to change the world. You have made us dream, believe and hopefully achieve. Peace has to be seen by the world. You help us have a better mindset about the tings surrounding us. You help make the owrld a better place. Help us spread peace.

MEDIUM length:

Peace is important on many levels.

It is important for each individual person to live a balanced and happy life. That comes from inner peace, quite a bit of it, and builds peace around that person which builds peace in communities and that grows exponentially.

Peace is a state of mind and when people meet to negotiate and discuss, if approached with a peaceful intentions, more can happen, more can grow, more can be accomplished.

Peace is not only important, it is essential as you scale your awareness up to the entire human experience.

There are currently eight billion people on our planet. We all want similar things. To love, to live and to enjoy our lives freely and without fear.

If we learn to nourish peace in our society we certainly can reach our goals and share the full extend of the world we live in.


There are several theories on world peace, I will list them some here:

  1. Democratic Peace Theory: This theory suggests that democracies are less likely to go to war with each other. It posits that democratic governments, which are accountable to their citizens, are more inclined to seek peaceful resolutions to conflicts, as the costs of war are high for both the government and the populace.

  2. Conflict Resolution and Mediation: is about importance of diplomatic efforts, negotiations, and mediation in resolving conflicts before they escalate into full-blown wars. Organizations like the United Nations is an example of this.

  3. Economic Interdependence: Theory that countries that do business together will be invested in staying conflict free and communicating.

  4. Cultural Understanding and Communication: Promoting cultural understanding and tolerance is the main idea for this theory.

  5. Global Governance and International Law: If more countries agree to things as a group, less confusion and disputes will happen.

  6. Non-Violence and Pacifism: Leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. are examples of how change can be achieved through non-violent protest and activism.

  7. Environmental Sustainability: The theory here is that climate change will increase global conflict unless it is addressed.

  8. Nuclear Deterrence and Disarmament: Nuclear weapons are one reason world war is not possible since we cannot use nukes without mutual destruction, but that should not stop us from disarming and removing all nukes.

  9. Human Rights and Social Justice: With justice there is peace.

  10. Education and Awareness: Education and the knowledge of peace builds peace.

    There are many avenues to peace, let’s try them all.

BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE and questions to help you write your letter

There are two kinds of peace according to popular peace theorist Johan Galtung, positive (things that can sustain peace) and negative (the absence of war) peace. If you research types of peace you can find even more, it is a big idea. Below is an outline based on questions students asked when peace was discussed in class.

I. Engaging with the Concept of Peace

  • Personifying Peace

    • Talk to peace as if it is a person not just an idea and tell it what you think or ask it questions, etc.

    • If peace were a person, what would you ask?I. Understanding Peace

  • Defining Peace

    • What is peace to you?

    • When and how do we use peace?

    • Do you think peace is good and why?

    • How do religions define world peace?

  • Importance of Peace

    • Why is peace important?

    • How does peace affect you directly?

    • What effect do you want peace to have?

    • How big of an impact does it have?

  • Attaining Peace

    • Can we do anything to build political peace?

    • How can it be achieved?

    • What parts of peace need help?

    • How has peace changed you as a person?

II. Teaching and Promoting Peace

  • Education and Peace

    • Can we teach and learn peace from each other?

    • What can we teach younger kids about peace?

    • How can we teach peace?

  • Promoting Peace

    • What can you do to help us understand peace?

    • What can you do to bring peace?

    • What should people do to spread peace?

    • What things that already exist create peace today?

III. Peace on a Global Scale

  • World Peace

    • What do you think world peace looks like?

    • Do you think in the next 100 years we will achieve peace, why or why not?

    • When do you think peace will happen?

    • What does peace even look like?

    • How do you think peace will be made?

  • Challenges and Obstacles

    • Why has it been so difficult to make peace?

    • How do governments have to change to create global peace?

    • Is peace attainable?

    • Are humans the reason there is no peace?

    • Is peace only a human idea or part of life?

IV. Peace and Conflict

  • Relationship Between Peace and Conflict

    • Are hate and peace related?

    • Is peace always a solution?

    • Do you still have hope when things go wrong?

    • How much peace do we need for the entire world to have peace?

    • Can we run out of peace entirely?

V. Peace and Security

  • Peace and Security

    • Will nuclear weapons still be needed if peace is achieved, or do we have peace because of these weapons and the need for such threats will never change?