What is the common thread in current conflicts and some solutions?

Finding a list of current conflicts is not a certain process, but here are a few resources to start with:




Links on how Security Council responds to conflict:


What does the Security Council do to respond to conflict?

United Nations Security Council (UNSC) plays a crucial role in addressing and managing current conflicts and crises around the world using negotiation, arbitration, and other peaceful means to respond. Its primary responsibilities include:

  1. Maintaining International Peace and Security: The UNSC is responsible for maintaining international peace and security. It does so by addressing conflicts and crises that threaten peace and recommending actions to resolve them. This can include authorizing peacekeeping missions, sanctions, or even military intervention in extreme cases.

  2. Conflict Resolution: The UNSC can take various actions to resolve ongoing conflicts. This may involve diplomatic efforts, mediation, and negotiations to bring conflicting parties to the table and find peaceful solutions.

  3. Peacekeeping Operations: The UNSC can authorize the deployment of UN peacekeeping forces to conflict zones to help maintain ceasefires, protect civilians, and facilitate the peace process. These missions are often essential in post-conflict stabilization efforts.

  4. Sanctions: The UNSC can impose economic and political sanctions on countries or entities involved in conflicts or violating international law. Sanctions are used as a diplomatic tool to pressure parties into compliance with international norms.

  5. Arms Embargoes: The UNSC can impose arms embargoes to prevent the flow of weapons to parties involved in conflicts. This helps reduce the intensity of conflicts and prevents the escalation of violence.

  6. Humanitarian Assistance: The UNSC can address the humanitarian aspects of conflicts by authorizing the delivery of humanitarian aid to affected populations. This includes ensuring safe access for humanitarian agencies and organizations to deliver aid to those in need.

  7. International Criminal Justice: In cases of war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide, the UNSC can refer cases to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for investigation and prosecution of individuals responsible for such crimes.

  8. Monitoring and Reporting: The UNSC often establishes monitoring mechanisms and special envoys to report on the situation in conflict areas. These reports provide valuable information for decision-making.

  9. Preventive Diplomacy: In addition to addressing ongoing conflicts, the UNSC also engages in preventive diplomacy to avert potential conflicts and crises. It seeks to identify and address the root causes of conflicts before they escalate.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of the UNSC in addressing current conflicts depends on the willingness of its member states to cooperate and reach consensus on appropriate actions. Additionally, the situation in specific conflict zones can change rapidly, and the UNSC's responses may evolve accordingly. For the most up-to-date information on the UNSC's actions in addressing current conflicts, it is advisable to consult recent news sources and official UN statements.