How can the UN reform to respond better to our world today?

Procedure special committees in the UN:

Assessment and Evaluation: Special committees are often established to assess the current state of the UN, its structures, and its operations. They evaluate its strengths and weaknesses and identify areas in need of reform.

  1. Recommendations: Based on their assessments, these committees make recommendations for reform. These recommendations can cover a wide range of areas, including organizational structure, decision-making processes, budgeting, and more.

  2. Negotiations: Special committees facilitate negotiations among member states to reach consensus on proposed reforms. This often involves delicate diplomatic negotiations to address differing viewpoints and interests.

  3. Implementation Oversight: Once reforms are agreed upon, special committees may have a role in overseeing the implementation of these changes. They ensure that member states are adhering to the agreed-upon reforms and monitor progress.

  4. Reporting: Special committees often provide regular reports to the UN General Assembly or other relevant UN bodies on the progress of reform initiatives.

  5. Engagement with Stakeholders: In some cases, special committees may engage with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society, and other stakeholders to gather input and feedback on proposed reforms.

  6. Review and Adaptation: Over time, special committees may be tasked with reviewing and adapting previous reform efforts as new challenges and opportunities arise.

Some issues that have been raised on the subject of United Nations reform:

  1. UN General Assembly Reform: Member states have periodically discussed reforms to the UN General Assembly, including its working methods, size, and representation. These discussions aim to make the General Assembly more efficient and responsive.

  2. Security Council Reform: The UN Security Council has long been a focus of reform efforts. Discussions have revolved around expanding its membership, particularly in the categories of permanent and non-permanent members, to reflect the changing global balance of power.

  3. UN Secretariat Reform: Reforms within the UN Secretariat often focus on improving its efficiency, transparency, and accountability. These reforms aim to ensure that the UN's administrative functions are effective in supporting its various missions and programs.

  4. Budgetary and Financial Reform: Member states often engage in discussions about the UN's budget, including how it is funded and allocated. These discussions aim to ensure that resources are used efficiently and that the organization's financial practices are transparent.

  5. Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Reforms: The UN has undertaken efforts to improve the effectiveness of its peacekeeping and peacebuilding operations. This includes reforms related to mission mandates, troop deployments, and coordination with other international actors.

  6. Management and Oversight: The UN has sought to enhance its internal oversight mechanisms to prevent fraud, waste, and mismanagement. Various bodies, such as the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), play a role in this regard.

  7. Development System Reform: The UN has undertaken reforms to better coordinate its development efforts, with a focus on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This includes the repositioning of the UN development system and strengthening its coordination mechanisms.