To: Peace

From: Delegation of Nigeria

Subject: Promoting Peaceful Cooperation in Addressing Peaceful uses of Outer Space

We are privileged to represent the Federal Republic of Nigeria, a nation known for its diverse cultures, rich traditions, and vibrant history. We stand before you with a profound commitment to the cause of peace. In a world too often stained by conflict and division, we firmly believe that the pursuit of peace is an imperative that surpasses borders and bonds humanity.

We are very familiar with the devastating impact of conflicts, both internal and external, on individuals, communities, and nations. It is with this firsthand experience that we approach the task of promoting peace with utmost seriousness and dedication.

To conclude, The Federal Republic of Nigeria is firmly dedicated to collaborating closely with our fellow nations on peace, with the common aim of creating a world where peace thrives. We must always bear in mind that the quest for peace is not merely an admirable aspiration but a moral obligation we owe not only to ourselves but also to the generations that will follow.


Delegation of Nigeria in United Nations COPUOS

Jaylen Skinner, Keontae Hayes

My Letter to Peace

Peace is a crucial concept that has been sought after for centuries.

Often, it can seem like an elusive idea as the world is frequently damaged by conflict and discord. However, peace means more than just the absence of war or conflict; it involves a state of harmony, justice, and mutual respect. Peace requires employing measures like diplomacy, politics, and even military action, but still, those measures are insufficient to achieve long-lasting peace. Peace becomes a crucial tool to resolve disputes and discard violence in times of crisis. Moreover, it encourages mutual respect, tolerance, and acceptance among diverse groups, consequently letting its communal nurturing and trust-building qualities shape a stable society. Therefore, peace is an excellent way to ensure access to education, health, and socio-economic opportunities, which are fundamental indicators of development and progress. Even though religions might define peace in separate ways, they all share a common vision of promoting unity, compassion, and love. Peace requires patience, perseverance, and a willingness to work together, making it a journey instead of a destination. Therefore, as delegates, let us make it a common goal to strive to promote peace, both in our personal lives and in the global political arena.


Arturo Lopez Palacios

Dear Peace, are you there? 
      It seems like the word ‘peace’ has infinite meanings. Peace can be when there’s no war. Peace can be when people work together for greater good. Peace can be a state of mind, a way of thinking. Internal or external, peace often seems out of reach. 

     Peace can be a technical term, theoretically achievable if we follow the rules. In this aspect, it’s like a complex equation waiting to be solved. By adhering to the complicated dynamics of global (human) interaction, we could find the delicate harmony within the system. 

     Peace is a desire that resides in the hearts of many. In its emotional sense, peace is more of a hope than a goal. Despite knowing the turbulent world we live in, it’s a delicate dream we nurture. The real bravery lies in those willing to devote themselves to ensuring this sought-after peace for future generations. They work toward a world where this wish has become a tangible reality. These people are willing to plant seeds in a garden they may not get to see. Let’s keep planting those seeds; peace is a vision worth sowing. 

Rubina Rahman